Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Post-Graduate Stress Disorder

          As most of you know, when you graduate college your expected to do all the things that your suppose to do. You know get a job and have some sort of direction in your life. Well for people like me i don't wanna move on with my life and get a job, i just want things to be handed to me and just drift through life and never have to worry about anything ever again. Thats why I have determined that i have post-graduate stress disorder.
          I have determined that PGSD comes form the sensation of graduating. Most graduates can get PGSD in  two different scenarios. Scenario 1) After you graduate you may still know people going through the college process. These friends who are still in school and probably just better looking than you cause your an old decrepet graduate, when they start there new school year, you just think, man i have to much free time and wish i was still in school getting wasted 3 to 4 days a week and didn't have to find a job to pay off the loans for the place you partied 3 to 4 times a week. Scenario 2) Your just scared of the real world, and scared that you will hate your job and you life for all eternity. Cause lets face it, who doesn't get scared when the safety net gets pulled from under you.
           Having PGSD can lead to a number of side effects.
  • Being extremely lazy
  • Not getting a job
  • Hating your job
  • Hating your life
  • Getting hastled by your parents
  • Gaining 10 to 50 pounds
  • An increase of JO'in (depending your situation)
  • Feeling as if the best of your years have passed you
  • etc............(can't really think of anything else)
If you have PGSD you should not go to a doctor, if you do, your an idiot.
Each persons symptoms are different, and are only an example of how
people react after graduation, i'm really only saying this so people don't
think i hate my life cause i don't, actually besides the PGSD i'm quite happy with
the way things are.

1 comment:

  1. There's always male prostitution if you end up with a job youre not happy with! Good money in that I hear.
