Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Post-Graduate Stress Disorder

          As most of you know, when you graduate college your expected to do all the things that your suppose to do. You know get a job and have some sort of direction in your life. Well for people like me i don't wanna move on with my life and get a job, i just want things to be handed to me and just drift through life and never have to worry about anything ever again. Thats why I have determined that i have post-graduate stress disorder.
          I have determined that PGSD comes form the sensation of graduating. Most graduates can get PGSD in  two different scenarios. Scenario 1) After you graduate you may still know people going through the college process. These friends who are still in school and probably just better looking than you cause your an old decrepet graduate, when they start there new school year, you just think, man i have to much free time and wish i was still in school getting wasted 3 to 4 days a week and didn't have to find a job to pay off the loans for the place you partied 3 to 4 times a week. Scenario 2) Your just scared of the real world, and scared that you will hate your job and you life for all eternity. Cause lets face it, who doesn't get scared when the safety net gets pulled from under you.
           Having PGSD can lead to a number of side effects.
  • Being extremely lazy
  • Not getting a job
  • Hating your job
  • Hating your life
  • Getting hastled by your parents
  • Gaining 10 to 50 pounds
  • An increase of JO'in (depending your situation)
  • Feeling as if the best of your years have passed you
  • etc............(can't really think of anything else)
If you have PGSD you should not go to a doctor, if you do, your an idiot.
Each persons symptoms are different, and are only an example of how
people react after graduation, i'm really only saying this so people don't
think i hate my life cause i don't, actually besides the PGSD i'm quite happy with
the way things are.

Friday, January 14, 2011

spoiler alert on chick flicks coming out soon or already out

So i never have seen a chick flick in theaters and probably never will. NEVER. But i decided to watch a preview for two or three chickflicks and tell you how i think the movie will end. so the first movie up is called Just go along with it, where adam sandler pretends hes married to fuck single women. Then he finds a women he would like to marry and he makes jennifer aniston pretend he is his ex wife. My prediction of how this movie will end is adam sandler will end up marrying brad pitts used up women, or adam sandler dies tragically. What can i say, thats how some of his pat movies have ended.
The nnext movie is that one with the guy from punk'd whos married to that old chick, and natalie portman or something like that. The movie is about how there both hot and wanna bang eachother all day everyday. my prediction for the end, they get married, shockerrrrrrr.
The final movie is called country strong, i have no idea any of the people in it. I'm not to fond of country music, annnnd... actually i didn't even watch a preview, i figured it was some hot chick and some guy fall in love and sing garth brooks songs together, and then they have a fight for some stupid reason, and then at the end of the movie both standing on stagew in love with eachother and seeing garth brooks, or chris gaines, which ever they prefer

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

exploring the blog set up

Random Thought #1: While getting adjusted to how this blog thingy works i saw that theres a small little number that shows how many times your blog gets viewed. Little did i know that everytime you refresh the page it counts as a view, so for all you people who have no blog views like myself can just keep refreshing your page and it'll seem like people read your blog, thats what I'm going to do to make myself feel better, wait let me just give it a few more clicks here click click click click click, ahhhhh five more people have viewed my blog 

My first post that no one will care for

Hey everyone out there on the interweb. When thinking about making a blog, i was thinking to myself "does it really matter what i blog about, it's not like anyone actually going to read it." So i decided to right about whatever little thought popped into my mind. That thought can consist of sports, music, life, dreams, girls, work, friends or whatever. I'll probably say what i want whether you like it or not, so its a good thing that no one reads this blog..........yet.